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Bizen Sukenaga Wakizashi



An ubu Yokoyama Sukenaga wakizashi.  Signed, (Kiku mon) Ichi, Bizen Osafune Ju /  Yokoyama Kaga no Suke Fujiwara Sukenaga.  Dated, Tempo Jusan Nen Ni Gatsu Hi (a day in February 1842).  Shinogizukure, toriizori, iroi mune, chu kissaki.  Hawatare: 1 shaku 7 sun 2 bu (52.12 cm or 20.52").  Motohaba: 2.93 cm.  Sakihaba:  2.05 cm.  Kasane: 6.6  mm.  The hamon is pure nioi shimari in gunome choji ko-midare, clear ashi iri, with a bright and controlled habuchi.  His choji gunome is distinctive, resembling the oku (petals of the cherry blossom). The jigane it bright tight evenly and controlled itame becoming  muji.  The hamon in the kissaki is ko-midare ending in ko-maru with a moderately extended kaeri.  In good Japanese polish, mounted in shirasaya with a niju gold foil habaki.  NBTHK Hozon. 

Yokoyama Kaga no Suke was the first generation Sukenaga.  He was the son of the second Sukehira, and his older brother, Sukemori, was adopted by the Sukesada ke.  On his own volition, he inscribed Tomonari  Gojurokudai  Mago (the grandson of Tomonari in the fifty sixth generation).  His signature clanged considerably from Tempo to Kaei, as noted in Shinshinto Taikan.  He died on June 2 in the fourth year of Kaei (1851), at the age of 57.  He is ranked Jo saku in Fujishiro's Nihon Toko Jiten - Shinto Hen; rated at 2,800,000 yen in Tokuno's Toko Taikan; pictured in numerous books, including Shinshinto Taikan and Nihonto Koza, Vol. V.                                                             





Distinctive Oku Gunome Choji with Deep Ashiiri / Ko Maru Boshi with Extended Kaeri



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